Press releases
Post Soviet Union: Fokus-Reihe des 20. Neiße Filmfestivals widmet sich postsowjetischen Lebenswelten
Ab dem 23. Mai findet in der Dreiländerregion an der Neiße das 20. Neiße Filmfestival statt. Eine besondere Filmreihe im Festivalprogramm widmet sich unter dem Titel "Regionalia" dem Leben in der Region sowie dem regionalen Filmschaffen und behandelt Themen wie Heimat, Tradition und Wandel.
Filmreihe des 20. Neiße Filmfestivals widmet sich regionalen Themen und dem Filmschaffen in der Region
Ab dem 23. Mai findet in der Dreiländerregion an der Neiße das 20. Neiße Filmfestival statt. Eine besondere Filmreihe im Festivalprogramm widmet sich unter dem Titel "Regionalia" dem Leben in der Region sowie dem regionalen Filmschaffen und behandelt Themen wie Heimat, Tradition und Wandel.
Six film-worthy festival days celebrating 20 years: the program of the 20th Neisse Film Festival is now online!
In 2023 the Neisse Film Festival runs for the 20th time. From May 23-28, the film festival in the three-country-corner on the Neisse River presents once again a full program with approximately 100 films in three competitions and various film series as well as film discussions, exhibitions, concerts and more. The complete program is now available online for you to peruse and discover!
Impressive films submitted for the Neisse Film Festival
From May 23-28, the Neisse Film Festival will run in its 20th season. Approximately 800 film submissions have reached the festival team at the Kunstbauerkino in Grosshennersdorf, Germany, competing for a place in one of three competition categories as well as for the coveted Neisse Fish awards, of which ten in total will be granted. The submitted feature films, documentaries and short films take a…
Call for Entries: Submit Feature Films, Short Films and Documentaries for the 20th Neisse Film Festival
From May 23 to 28, 2023 at the borders of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic the 20th Neisse Film Festival will be taking place. In this memorable 20th year the festival organizers from the Kunstbauer Kino e.V. in Grosshennersdorf, Germany are once again calling for films which will compete in the categories of feature film, short film and documentary. A total of eleven Neise Fish - the…
The Neisse Film Festival Leadership Team
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Download Picture 3 (Andreas Friedrich, Ola Staszel - © Rafael Sampedro)
The 2023 NFF Team
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